Thoughts on how to be an ideal client generally end up as reiterations of simple etiquette guidelines:
- Reading through the companion’s website and familiarising yourself with her terms is a must.
- Communicate concisely, respectfully, and warmly when arranging the date.
- Follow her date, screening and deposit procedures.
- Follow through on the date as planned, or let her know in advance if you have to cancel. In case of the latter, follow up with a cancellation fee.
- Turn up on time.
- Have the fee’s envelope tucked into her ideal gift.
- Bonus points if the envelope includes a tip.
- Be thoroughly clean.
- Honour her boundaries.
- Be mindful of the mutual desire for discretion.
- Leave on time.
However, these guidelines don’t include an oft-forgotten but essential part of what makes an ideal client. And that is being open to our enjoyment. To explain what I mean, let me turn to one of my favourite materials to work with – clay. Inspired by Strange Clay at the Hayward Gallery in London, I recently took up pottery again. It began as a frustrating experience. The clay kept hardening and cracking under my hands before I could fully shape it. The faster I worked, the more the clay seemed to turn out misshapen. Eventually, my tutor relieved my suffering with some sage advice. ‘Clay is responsive. It has a memory. The more carefully you work, the more pliable it will be.’ And she was right – when I approached my material almost meditatively, the clay stayed soft. My approach to the clay informed how it responded to me!
My adventures in clay have led me to reflect on companion-client relationships. Sometimes clients are curious about bad experiences escorts have. When my dates ask me about this, I think of a certain type of client who may follow the above rules of etiquette to the letter, but is otherwise cold. A client who asks me questions about being a companion that assume I must find my role demeaning. A client who treats me with suspicion, or even derision.
These uncomfortable interactions stem from shame. Of course, nerves can make anyone a little quiet, or awkward. Luckily, companions are professionals at making even the most shy person feel comfortable. So nerves aren’t the problem here – shame is. The clients I don’t want to see again are the ones who feel so ashamed of seeing a companion that it taints the way they treat me, and in turn, our time together.
How to be an ideal client is similar to working with clay. Whether my dates are new, nervous, or confident, a positive approach to booking a companion informs how comfortable and enthusiastic I feel. Excitement and openness to our mutual enjoyment naturally creates a warm, pliable, beautiful shape between us. Going further, my favourite dates understand that a social element to our time together is an expression of that excitement. We can truly take the luxury of time to get to know each other, building to that authentic sensual intimacy we both crave so deeply.
‘How to see an escort’ really boils down to ‘how to be open to your own enjoyment’. If you feel positive about your decision to spend time with a companion, the above etiquette guidelines will feel natural. After all, when you feel excited to give yourself and a woman you enjoy the company of a wonderful experience, why wouldn’t you be inclined to communicate with her respectfully? When you want to create a lovely memory for yourself and a woman you’re attracted to, reading through her website, following her booking procedure, and following through will be the only approach that makes sense. Taking the time to plan a lovely date in London will be a much deserved gift to yourself. And a gift for her will be a natural expression of the excitement you feel.
You’ll notice that being an ideal client is nothing to do with looks. I did not include anything along the lines of ‘be handsome’, ‘be impressive’ or ‘be outstanding’. If you’re feeling nervous, that’s what you might worry you have to be. But a gentleman who follows the above guidelines will naturally come across as attractive, impressive and memorable.
So, let go of your nerves, indecision, and shame. Take a deep breath, and relax – because you’re already here. Be confident in the knowledge that you are following your deep need. Grasp this desire for something truly positive for yourself. Like glaze transforming from grey to brilliant hues in the warmth of the kiln, you’ll be led to somewhere beautiful. You know where to contact this luxury curvy escort in London …
Tulsi x
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