Tulsi Tamora is an independent bbw luxury courtesan in the UK. She stands by a window.

Investment | Meeting | Independent BBW Luxury Courtesan London

For those who seek the heat built through social time, I’ve compiled a wonderful list of date recommendations.

Lady Chatterley’s Lover: London zones 1 – 3 | 1 hour: 500 | 1.5 hours: 550 | 2 hours: 600

Madame Bovary: 1.5 hours social time indoors or outdoors, 1.5 hours private time | London zones 1 – 6 | 3 hours: 800

*(Recommended) Delta of Venus: 2 hours social time outdoors, 2 hours private time | London and surrounding areas | 4 hours: 1000

Vox: Bespoke blend of social time outdoors, indoors, and private time | To include meals | London and across the UK | 6 hours: 1200 | 8 hours: 1500

The Story of O: Bespoke blend of social time outdoors, indoors, and private time | To include meals, 8 hoursuninterrupted sleep per night, and personal recharge time | London, UK and international | 12 hours and beyond : POA


My quoted rates (GBP) are assuming an outcall to your private residence or hotel in London zones 1 – 3. For very early or late dates, and / or dependent on location, I may ask you to cover the cost of my travel and accommodation where applicable. Couples are an extra 100. Dates with friends are combined, matching the highest rate.

Availability: I am available by appointment throughout the week, with notice.

Deposit: All dates are secured with a 40% deposit deductible from the overall fee, and payment for accommodation and travel when applicable, via bank transfer. Deposits via gift voucher are extra to the total rate.

Screening: I may ask you to screen, which comprises of your phone number to call you on at a mutually convenient time, and either a copy of your ID, employment verification, or a reference from an escort with a live website or social media presence. I am an independent BBW luxury courtesan in London so I am the only person who handles your data according to GDPR.

Additional information: I have a few artistic tattoos that remain removed from my photos, and covered in public.

Tulsi Tamora is an independent luxury BBW courtesan in the UK. She kneels on the floor

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