More about me

Tulsi Tamora is a high class curvy Indian independent escort and domme in London. She poses outside by white townhouse.

More about me

The first page of a fresh book, giving way to the narrative adventure ahead. The first flicker of salty soy on our omakase, giving way to a sweetness that coats the tongue. The first glimpse of a Rothko before you look again, and again, and again. For much in life, the first impression is nothing without its second counterpart, following in its footsteps with offerings of deeper details, greater contrasts. With that in mind, I’ve written a blog post that tells you all the things I didn’t on my main website about this independent luxury curvy escort in London. Just a little bit more about me to whet the appetite before we meet …

My morning routine

I wake up early to the sunlight filtering through my plants. I love to start my day with a cold shower to leave my senses tingling. I comb my hair and leave it to dry while I gently rub jojoba oil into my tanned hourglass frame. Then comes the first ripe peach of the day for breakfast, alongside some protein. A cup of warming ginger tea, too. I look through my calendar to plan my day, and take things from there.

Each day, I look forward to …

The next chapter of the latest book I’m reading. Catching up with the latest issue of frieze. Working out. Planning a visit to the theatre with my new date. The first sip of my afternoon coffee (strong, black). The snap of just-unwrapped lingerie against my skin. Stepping out to meet my date. Stepping back into the warmth, hours later, to undress each other. Pure physical pleasure. Pipetting rose oil into my evening bath. My natural scent mixing with the rose. Drifting off to sleep.

Favourite books

Fiction: To name just a few: One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel Garcia Marquez), Emma (Jane Austen), Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury), Rabbit, Run (John Updike), Vanity Fair (William Thackeray), A House for Mr. Biswas (VS Naipaul), The Painter of Signs (RK Narayan), High-Rise (JG Ballard), and Orlando (Virgina Woolf).
Non-Fiction: I’m partial to anything that expands my understanding of the world. Some significant ones have been: A Brief History of Time (Stephen Hawking), Ways of Seeing (John Berger), A Room of One’s Own (Virginia Woolf), Blink (Malcolm Gladwell), and The Invention of Yesterday (Tamim Ansary).

Want to write a story together? You know where to contact this luxury curvy escort in London

Tulsi x

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