The secret to good sex

As you may know, I am a writer in residence for the beautifully designed companion platform Tryst. I’ve written on all sorts of topics from the role of companions in classical art, to why the perfect email is the perfect foreplay. Have a read of my articles for Tryst, and my writing for their sub-series, The Good Client Guide.

The secret to good sex is the million dollar question.

Surely if there’s anyone perfect to ask, its an Indian escort in London such as myself. There are the obvious reasons – I have a few tricks up my lingerie I simply love to share with my dates …

And then there are the more subtle reasons – my time in the demimonde has imparted me with deep insights. Insights about what transforms a mere physical moment to something sensual, something sensational, something unforgettable.

Want to know more? Well, I’ve distilled the art of great sex into three components – connection, consent, and presence. Connection lights our sensuality on fire. My exploration of consent might differ from what you’re expecting, especially if you’re kinky. And presence? Well, that has to be felt to be truly understood.

Have a read of my article, What Is Good Sex, and then recreate the steps with me …

Tulsi x

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