Turning your shame into pleasure

Tulsi Tamora is a high class curvy Indian independent escort and domme in London. She kneels in a black corset.

Turning your shame into pleasure – there’s a deep down desire I bet you’ve always wanted to unlock. Well, in this blog post originally published on Kinky London Escorts (KLE), an incredible collective of kinky companions in London, I delve into exactly what that feels like.

We all feel shame, sometimes. That burning feeling deep inside us, at something we want or do, that makes us feel separate from our peers. Shame is so powerful that it permeates most of our our social codes, without being spoken at all.

Its little wonder then, that shame often shows up in the bedroom. So many successful men struggle with shame over what they feel they should desire, vs. what they actually desire. What would really bring them pleasure.

Perhaps you’ve always wanted to simply stop being in charge in the bedroom. To know what it feels like to be kissed, caressed, held down, played with. To feel like you’re floating away on a cloud. To finally give in to a gentle, caring, sensually confident goddess such as myself.

Or perhaps, you have strong fantasies. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to know what it would be like to be touched properly down there. To have an experienced, powerful Indian mistress flip you over, command you to arch your back, and feel yourself be utterly taken as I slide in …

Whatever your secret submissive desire, I can bet you’ve sometimes felt shame about it. Shame that stops from you exploring what you want. Shame that hems you into a sexual routine you only partly enjoy anymore. Shame that stops you from getting what you really want.

Well, that shame can easily transform into something that feels good. Under the loving touch of an Indian mistress in London such as myself, it can transmute into freedom, pleasure, joy, safety, ecstasy, into the feeling of your wildest fantasies coming true. And there’s more – we can take it further, too. We can eroticise shame itself. We can play with the secret desire to feel small, to be teased, edged, spanked, made to moan …

Want to know exactly how? I’ve written a more in depth account on my original article, Shame and Kink, over at KLE. When you’ve finished your homework and decided you need to unlock true pleasure for yourself, you know where to contact me …

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