What I’ve learned from being an escort

Tulsi Tamora is a high class curvy Indian independent escort and domme in London. She poses outside by white townhouse.

What I’ve learned from being a escort can’t be squeezed into just one blog post. But this month, that’s just what I try to do, as writer in residence for the beautifully designed companion platform Tryst. I’ve written on all sorts of topics from the role of companions in classical art, to why the perfect email is the perfect foreplay. Have a read of my articles for Tryst, and my writing for their sub-series, The Good Client Guide.

How can I summarise everything I’ve learned as a companion, in just a few hundred words? There’s everything from direct marketing, to adjusting my lipstick on a crowded tube!

But there are a few concrete skills I’ve picked up that I can share with you. I love sharing what I’ve learnt because there’s simply so much – and sometimes, skills I have in common with my dates, too.

To learn all about how I became a dab hand at marketing, negotiation, and so much more, have a read over at my article for Tryst: Transferable Skills in Sex Work.

Of course, there’s one skill I haven’t mentioned yet – and that’s the skill of doing something oh so special with my tongue. Want to know more? You know where to contact this luxury curvy escort in London

Tulsi x

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